Texas Flat Fee MLS Listing Options


18911 Hardy Oak Blvd. Ste#145, San Antonio, TX 78258


Powered by The Miramas Group, LLC. © 2010-2016 TexasFSBOMLS.com™ is a subsidiary company of The Miramas Group, LLC. We are owned & operated by The Miramas Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, distribution and/or use will result in immediate litigation. All MLS listings are provided by our affiliate company throughout Texas. We are fully compliant with Texas state law and real estate commission rules.

Use of the term FSBO and/or For Sale By Owner in conjunction with MLS, the phrase multiple listing service, or Realtor.com® denotes that you fill out the forms “by owner” to list your property “for sale” with our licensed Broker. Our licensed broker in turn publishes your listing in the MLS’s database which in turn feeds it to Realtor.com®. It does not imply that you will be granted direct computer access to the MLS yourself or that this site is a representation of the MLS library of listings. All references to the term for sale would be interchangeable with for rent if you are listing a rental.

© 2024 - Texas FSBO MLS

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18911 Hardy Oak Blvd. Ste#145, San Antonio, TX 78258


Powered by The Miramas Group, LLC. © 2010-2024 TexasFSBOMLS.com™ is a subsidiary company of The Miramas Group, LLC. We are owned & operated by The Miramas Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, distribution and/or use will result in immediate litigation. All MLS listings are provided by our affiliate company throughout Texas. We are fully compliant with Texas state law and real estate commission rules.

Use of the term FSBO and/or For Sale By Owner in conjunction with MLS, the phrase multiple listing service, or Realtor.com® denotes that you fill out the forms “by owner” to list your property “for sale” with our licensed Broker. Our licensed broker in turn publishes your listing in the MLS’s database which in turn feeds it to Realtor.com®. It does not imply that you will be granted direct computer access to the MLS yourself or that this site is a representation of the MLS library of listings. All references to the term for sale would be interchangeable with for rent if you are listing a rental.

© 2024 - Texas FSBO MLS

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